Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Storm & The Fall (Nostalgic?)

I am catching up on the readings, watching Tarkofsky's Nostalghia, and reading on Lebbeus Woods "The Storm and The Fall". I am considering the metaphor, however i must warn i do not understand if the metaphor comes out of movie/installation or if it is a response there of. I want to perseve the "metaphor" of cinema and installation to "construct" the metaphor of an architectural thesis (Site i feel must be inherently dependent on the metaphor that seeks reality,therefore i haven't made that decision). First i offer the disclaimer as made by the readings that both cinema and installation are architectural in there perception of "Time and Space". Both median invoke some mental perception through the exploitation of Time and Space. With that in mind i offer some correllations being made between The Nostalghia and The Storm and The Fall.
The metaphor is the perception of dialectics among Time and Space as an object; the metaphor is therefore not the object but rather reaction of the viewer to the object. The Storm and The Fall is Lebbeus Woods' metaphor to the architectural event which occured on 9/11. It is in no way a re-representation of the condition but rather a abstraction of Time and Space that occured within the architectonics of the collapsing World Trade Centers. A direct assimilation can be made in that the installation is some Nostolgic Manifestation of the event. How the viewer registers this is based on their own "nostalgia" of 9/11, as recollected within the instillation as form in site.
I am looking to watch the movie again this evening to begin to further justify the possible metaphor the concept of "nostalgic representation" has on the manipulation of Time and Space. I will scan images of the installation and post them tomorrow,to bring some insight on the possible cognitive perception of the installation as a built form (dependent on Time and Space). I am at the moment disconnected linguistically in how to assimilate the conditions of metaphoric nostalgia both in cinema and installation to the readings of perception of forms, physical causality and cognitive metaphors. I am confident there are strong dialectics, i hope to post tomorrow a better explination that can justify the comparisons being made. I want a group of drawings that would visually begin to diagram the dialectics of text, instillation and cinema (We will see that for Tuesday, hopefully). Sorry for the delay on the postings.

1 comment:

marc said...

please post some links on the work you are referring to...if you cant post images.