Thursday, September 27, 2007

fort greene maze movie

this should be the link to my movie, i couldnt figure out the posting.


Liz DeMello said...

i read some borges and kept that in mind when editting. in his story, garden of splitting forks, it talks about a novel where instead of only reading about 1 possible outcome, the writer writes about all possible outcomes, so the book is a novel labyrinth. for this reason, i would show the video and then divide it into different views along the path.
the video itself was filmed while walking along the same path in fort greene. the paths in fort greene all split, so theres constant decision making.
i also put in views of a map of fort greene, giving both a god's eye view and a perspective. i also think that the rain causes you to take more of a god's eye view, since you are constantly looking down.

marc said...

garden of spliting forks?
how bout garden of forking paths..?

Liz DeMello said...

yeah... garden of forking paths, sorry a little tired there.