also, I don't know why it is double spaced...
Brian P
- Work from the reflection in the hanger
- Don’t stop at the tectonic edge of the factory to describe the experiences. “extend” your site.
- Think of it as both a linear condition and an overlapped condition
- How do you model the site and its conditions?
- Jeff talked about little mics that are put on your feet as you walk through the city.
- Mediate machine and landscape
- Jeff recommended “music for airports”
- What led you into these program fragments?
- What is the nightclub?
- Is there a play between programmatic element and narrative element?
- The subway is a nightclub and a home
- The house can serve as a nightclub and a home (house parties)
- Think about spaces as the refer to rest and motion
- What spatial sequence makes a house and what sequence makes a nightclub?
- Where do they intersect in this sequence?
- Do wall sections
- The programs should share space while simultaneously remaining separated
- Lex had a hard time understanding why all of the programs were there
- You could maybe do a hotel – has attributes of transience
- There is a leap between your concept and what is built
- Did you identify three party walls?
- Maybe abstract what happens in a daily task to connect spaces
- You need to start blurring spaces and making them so they are no longer distinct.
- Use real memory of buildings
- must show existing artifact (pin up Grant’s tomb as it stands now)
- can’t tell what you are doing
- Narrative and artifacts must be more specific
- Drawings are like contemporary comic technique
- Not yet an architectural project (I’m just transcribing)
- Don’t cheat yourself, confront synaesthesia directly
- You need an artifact to reflect on
- 2 different stages in childhood development
- 75% of orphans are older than 7
- When they are 7 they can think abstractly
- Younger children are very ground oriented
- You should sketch with charcoal (you need to connect more)
- You have a good sensitivity to the site and the senses that needs to be applied better
- Wabi sabi
- Maybe design through model, not drawing
- Go to Lex’s drawing class
Kyung Sic
- you work very fast think about being more specific
- What is your experience of the site?
- Maybe intersect elements that are already in the park (borrow elements like the monumental steps)
- Draw the museum (not only the edge of it)
- Draw inside and outside
- Your geometries could be found from the site
- Is it like a speakeasy, do you have to know about it to go there?
- Right now, there are adjacencies with no relation (baths not interacting with the garden, Laundromat not interact with baths, etc)
- Do the programs overlap, or do they happen in parallel?
- Your project is about adjacencies, you need to dig deeper when dealing with the relationships
- The skew of your pieces isn’t enough to drive the project
- Pop your piece (I’m not sure which one they were talking about) above ground
- The stairs bother Marc
- Maybe the stair is like a fire escape (a kind of typology)
- The ground plane could be aggressively acted upon
- The curtain seems to be not what your project is about
- Your series of sensations are not necessarily linked together
- Maybe obscure vision (in multiple amounts) to heighten the other senses
- A path and journey are not the same
- Right now, you have almost a non-building
- A museum is a good idea. What you show will obviously be crucial. You should propose certain kinds of objects to show.
- You could play the role of curator of the museum as well as designing the space
- There are 3 disorders
- The moment where the public eye and patient eye meet is important to you
- Think about the public – doctors – patients in relation to common areas, rooms, and administrative spaces
- Are all of the rooms a sort of island?
- Does gaze only occur in plan? It may also occur in section
- You really need to diagram first
- You are trying to represent disease behaviors through form – this seems to be a way of heightening the problem rather than correcting it
- As an example, people with agoraphobia may slowly be introduced into open spaces
- Right now you are doing a 2d compositional drawing
- Marc thinks you should maybe make a very small model – this will force you to think diagrammatically
- Think about (dis)ease and ease
- Make a spatial response to somebody’s disease that may help to correct/ease it
- You can create an armature that respects existing fragments
- Your site is already a collection of fragments, maybe you add yours
- You can make armatures that are permanent that allow things to be plugged into them
- What does armature mean? Does it mean plug in? is it something like a bench that can have things attached so it plays a dual role (when in use by flea market and not in use)
- Right now you are designing a geometry, maybe think more about the site first and respect what is there more
- Identify characters clearly, what is the fountain, what are all of the elements that are already there and how do they affect your project?
- You need to spend more time at the site to know what it needs
- Museum without walls? What is this? Maybe you need to define what this means
- Cabinets that fit on site. Modular units can be mixed
- You are doing bottom up design
this is a good example of noise.
hard to read/hear
i like it relative to your project.
you draw a line and focus left to read.
h a r d
r e a d
h e a r
d r a w
r e a d
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i was writing this to plust...
mixed u up in there.
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