Thursday, February 08, 2007

inhabiteurs' indirect experience of architect

i know dan had good thanks to extend to karen....who by the way left her thermos in the room and now may be found on the partition between the desks of zack, jon, and myself.....but i think lex braes also had good in particular that we might all remember and glean from our friend christopher's crit:

to _ _ ck foucalt and to go beyond abstract connections of others' to the concepts we are employing and to begin to experience them for ourselves. i.e. get away from the research and get into the feelings of our constructions for construct based on our own intuitions and explorations....possibly stemming from the research but more importantly embodying the richness of our own senses...of touch, smell, hearing, taste, and even vision...but in the end a manifestation from us as creators....not as employees of such persons as foucalt but as employers of our own ideas and experiences.

recall pallasmaa when he says that the inhabiteur of architecture ends up feeling or experiencing what is the bodily transmission of the architect...through their design experience of the spatiality / temporality of the built object.....
......i'll get back with the dircet quote later....

1 comment:

matthew said...

the words of pallasmaa: "architecture is communication from the body of the architect directly to the body of the person who encounters the work, perhaps centuries later".......eyes of the skin page 67.