Thursday, February 22, 2007

Notes for Thursday

be less precise in your drawings, not so final
the section is critical, design the section, according to your research from Bachelard.
think of the children and their relation to the building, their entry, spacialize according to their point of view.
diagram your project as your did in class, but definitely use it as a tool, again the section, plan.
the model you build may look at a detail first, or a fragment of the whole, just part. then jump into building the entire scheme.

you need to get into a bigger scale, maybe 3"=1'-0" would be good for you, it will force you to look into the complexity you need.
1/16"=1'-0" is too small for you and what your project is about.
zoom in on your site plan and model.

plans and SECTIONS, no elevations, its not useful at this point. get to the spaces.
your walls are too thin, they are single line and the drawing is at 1/8'=1'-0"
show thickneses of walls.
jump into design development, have multiple plans/sections by monday.
draw your project

the cliff is being represented as a box, it should be a 'cliff'
the high/low tide condition should be made apparent, more than just merely a line indicating that it is so on the cliff wall.
how fast, or slow, does the person/people descend.
you are not aesthetic enough in terms of your methods, again, the cliff, the water, the beach.
the moment the body breaks the ground plane to begin to descend is critical, reconsider your decision.
how many people do you expect to occupy at one given time? 15 was suggested, but maybe there is another space still on the cliff, that acts as a viewing platform. The actual 'ritual' may want to be more intimate with only the immediate family, then the others watch from a distance.
the ramp wants to be wider, maybe 12'
consider the wind direction/current of water, and again the tides.
also the relationship of sizes of ramps and spaces to another, where are there pauses or rest. design those spaces.

zoom in, photograph your model up close, i.e. macro, and look at the detail.
sketch at 1/16"=1'-0" do a partial at 1/8"-1'-0", plans/sections
a retaining wall can reoccur in memory, even in for the blind, they can touch at different moments from beginning to end.
the entry, noise maker, bell tower, sound event is great.
take a look Enric Miralles and Alvaro Siza

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