Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A) I Will produce drawing of the Talmud.

The Talmud has no punctuation marks. There are no commas, periods, question marks and so on. Only with experience does the student learn how to read the Talmud properly.

The placement of a comma or a question mark can change the meaning of a Talmudic passage. Depending on how the Talmud is read, different interpretations can be made or questions raised. In fact, there are many of these differences amongst the commentaries. Thus, one piece of Talmud can be understood in a variety of ways, none of which is more correct than the other. In Jewish thought, this is referred to by the concept of both these and these are the way of G-D (Talmud Brachos 7B).

I have begun a template of page of Talmud,if it's overlayed on the page one could see how I understand this passage of the Talmud.

B) I will have the three ring binder up to date for you to see.


marc said...

so this template is a notational drawing?

marc said...

lets see it