Monday, October 23, 2006

echo--repetition and removal--overlappings

"heterogeneity is repetition, an amorphous mass" octavio paz in henri michaux's miserable miracle

...michaux's mescaline-induced work; his paintings draw from language -the sign and the written word, taking the hallucinatory drug mescaline "the infinity-machine", his words and his paintings begin to overlap each other. he follows the compulsive events of the drug, thoughts launched by "imperceptible sensations, pre-sensations".

to summarize my thoughts on the presentation..
baudelaire's criticism of photography as an art form as something that stole from the imagination of art through its mimicry, repetition.
diamond's studies, the recurring state of mental disarray in different individuals, each person's disorderly physiognomy as a removal of the disorder from the person's mental state transferred to one's face, and as a repetition of this act of removal and transferrence from person to person.
keller/braille, lack of the senses of sight and hearing finds a language by translating those senses to touch, the three senses form an intimately synaesthetic language by dwelling in one sense.
eckert, the blind photographer, his synaesthetic experiences compel him to retain an image, to have a copy of his experience, despite that he cannot see the copy himself; there is some need to repeat this removal.
phantom limb, absence of the limb causes a part of the brain to "remap" another region that no longer recieves input (from the missing limb).

through overlappings, repetition of a removal, absence of a part of the whole, a synaesthetic phenomenon occurs, where the part removed may be sensed in the whole (as unwhole). the unwhole thus assumes some sense aspect that normally occurs in the thing removed, as the echo. the echo, never exactly reproduced.

" artificial echo machine designed to exchange "clamore " for four echoes: "amore", "more", "ore", and finally "re"." ("O outcry" returns as "love", "delays", "hours", and "king")

"An echo, while implying an enormity of a space, at the same time also defines it, limits it, and even temporarily inhabits it."
-mark danielewski's house of leaves
"To be, in some way, Cervantes and reach the Quixote seemed less arduous to him--and, consequently, less interesting--than to go on being Pierre Menard and reach the Quixote through the experiences of Pierre Menard. (This conviction, we might say in passing, made him omit the autobiographical prologue to the second part of Don Quixote . To include that prologue would have been to create another character--Cervantes--but it would also have meant presenting the Quixote in terms of that character and not of Menard. The latter, naturally, declined that facility.)"
-jorge luis borges' pierre menard, author of don quixote
for tuesday i want to:
write my precis in an organized statement. also play with the structure of how it is organized, an overlapping of texts.
drawing - following the history of maps, of one map, taking the experienced landscape and tracing it with oneself, retracing it, over and over, things removed and echoed.

1 comment:

marc said...

this is a great post carrie...
the mark danielewski's house of leaves quote is very nice and is a performative strategy as i think you are suggesting...