Wednesday, October 10, 2007

shadow is awareness - knowledge


marc said...

where is your text? where is your intervention? the drawings of geometries look more like analysis. how does this perform? unresolved?

Anonymous said...

KJ Kim
Installation – Cornelia Parker’s Cold Dark Matter / Movie - Michelangelo Antonioni’s The Passenger / Metaphor – Shadow

The shadow can take on many meanings.

It is the subject’s alienated self, desire, and psyche. The shadows represent different realities and “realities” that are not real – depictions, mimesis (Plato’s Allegory of the Cave). It has the ability to deceive the viewer into accepting semblance as likeness or reality (perceived) quality to what can be seen, as well as the unseen. The shadow represents the stage that is furthest away from the truth.

The three components make up the image of the shadow. The shadow is protected – intentionally and accidently – it has a preservation from a source – it’s object is the interception which makes a sacrifice - it exchanges loss of itself for gain or preservation – source – willing patrons of light/substance all eventually pass through the space portal (object and the properties of its material). As soon as these three components are revealed, the mystery dissolves.

Child’s reasoning - the shadows emanate from the interior of the object and can also be caused by an external object such as the trees or from a dark corner. (Piaget’s reading) – “Childish participation is probably nothing but a primitive way of feeling analogies, but such that the relation is conceived as identity” (185)
- “It (shadow) comes out of the person, we have a shadow inside us” … “It falls on the ground”
- Mere change in the point of view will suffice for the words “the shadow hides the table” to take on a much deeper significance, and to mean : “From the point of view of the ray of light, the object forms a screen and hides part of the table.” (192)
- “Shadow hides the daylight” (193)

The subject’s resulting shadow caused by the interaction with light and object is equivalent to the subject action/behavior in the face of power considering power as a set of relations, much like the shadow has a set of relations. – “shaping of … behavior through certain means, that is power. I’m not forcing you at all and I’m leaving you completely free – that’s when I begin to exercise power” - (Michel Foucault) – Each has a presence that dominates its appearance and hides totality of its identity or their hidden nature.

When a person steps inside an installation they become part of the art. The experience for individuals changes in relationship to their shadow being engulfed in the larger shadow. So too does the relationship change as they are being engulfed by the art. (16 – Hendricks)

Psychological term – (Dr.Carl G.Jung) – it is everything in us that is unconscious, repressed, undeveloped and denied. These are dark rejected aspects of our being as well as light, so there is positive undeveloped potential in the Shadow that we do not know about because anything that is unconscious, we do not know. We all a Shadow and a confrontation with it is essential for self awareness.

Shadow helps to map the body in space and helps us define our position. Where am I?

Anonymous said...

you're right - they are more of an analysis - in regards to how i want my installation to perform it is unresolved.

the installation interest is heading towards if space can bring about an undeveloped aspect of our inner being - a confrontation.

marc said...

post program

Anonymous said...

water-treatment plant
school - kindergarten classroom
Greenpeace office - housing (or some other global environmental organization which receives its income through the individual contributions.

i am interested in an educational space of sustainable bldg. - but other programs that have caught my interest ranges from the above to ...

written below is the theoretical framework to how i would like to continue the research.

I am drawn to a research phase that involves testing and finding margins in the potential of space to arouse a confrontation with our inner-being. The end project is to be sensorial and its existence depends on people and for them to question why this space exists. Can space really arouse the hidden-self within us and help us to become more conscious and honest with ourselves?

I am drawn to the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and On the Genealogy of Morals. I would like to have a sustainable building type in the end, and such a particular interest in morality and the human nature of how we act and react to things around us certainly comes from the events happening around the world- with global warming, pollution, war, to popular culture. But more than tackling problems of such large scale, I want to focus on a small project and the little things like people throwing trash on the ground. I believe the world is heading towards this new age where machines and computers will do things in replace of human beings and with it comes a this lack of/lessening of responsibility among people outside this realm of machine-building. I want to be able to find a more cohesive and balanced nature to things because I believe people are naturally benevolent, but we do still act against our own will. After 4 years of being in an architecture school, I have come to understand how overwhelming and powerful the building of spaces can be and its affect on us. Now if space can really instruct us to move in certain ways, rather than to be aggressive and teach, is there a way it can bring about the raw inarticulate feelings within people and to question their existence and how they have lived and will continue to live their lives?
I am interested in an educational space. This particular interest also comes from the studio project I had in my second year at Pratt Institute where I designed a kindergarten classroom. The scale of the project was comprehendible and it allowed for me to focus on being sensitive to people at the children to adult scales.