Wednesday, October 10, 2007

bravo and next step-developing a program

Dear All:

First I would like to say a few encouraging words to ALL. In spite of our many comments, suggestions and side joking snide remarks, we both are very encouraged by your first attempt, as students of architecture to make a short art film. We (Marc and I) are quite aware that is a work in progress (that is not a finished product but an learning experiment) and that the pay-off of this research seminar will only become fully understood and appreciated if this work finds its way, somehow, in your final degree project at the end of next semester.

This leads me to my next point. Your task to develop a proposal for a Degree Project Program. The term 'architectural program' has many meanings. Marc said in class three things. I am repeating them here to make sure that you : It can be a (1)mixed program (mixed use),and (2) it does not have to be only quantitative but be in qualitative terms (experience) and (3) it should be argued (the choice of and the approach to designing it) in the light of the studio theoretical framework and your own developing interests as you discovered in making the film.
That will take some work to propose and write about it. That is the task before midterm.

We will continue to do and contemplate (act and reevaluate critically) your work along the way.

The discussion of metaphors/synaesthesia etc. and the translation of this research into a degree project concept (precis) , program and site is just begining.


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