Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I want to make two clarifications based on today's discussion. First, I am using, words, as working titles to help summarize and memorize what the work (film / drawings) that follow are attempting to arrive towards. In that sense, words are innate tools that assist in constructing, similar to a drawing or a model. Second, there has been some conflicting information. According to these two sources, the definition of "laconic" is as follows:

1. Dictionary.com
using few words; expressing much in few words; concise

—Synonyms brief, pithy, terse; succinct.
—Antonyms voluble.

2. Webster's New World Dictionary
brief or terse in speech or expression; using few words



marc said...

now what are you gonna believe...the dictionary or dan?

marc said...

check this out in the perspecta archive on jstor...

Perspecta, Vol. 26, Theater, Theatricality, and Architecture, 1990

Hot Ashes for Trees said...

I found it. Are you referring to a specific article that is relevent or the whole volume of 26?

marc said...

as you like...

marc said...

its great to be able to browse the perspecta journals...check out assemblage too...