Friday, November 16, 2007

Site for Open Source Museum

Open Source Museum:
People Comes and interact with other traces that people who were there before made and display their own memory.

Personal memory- Not like normal exhibition that are valuable to whole mass of viewer, personal memory is only valuable to individual; it could be worthless thing for others = Trash

The personal extracted memory that are left in the museum will form a mass when they come together and also be a exhibition for others to see but it would evolve while others appreciate the piles of other peoples memory and keep interacting with it.

There will be sources that can be helpful for people to awake their memory, like unique texture of surface, smell, sounds, visuals, and others extracted memory before them.

Dumbo Brooklyn NY
This neighborhood got developed a lot in last 10 to 15 years and still growing large. Lots of different culture is imbedded already; New and old are often mixed together in terms of building, road, park, and people. Since I want a place where lots of people can come and interact, this site has intensity of people and different features that are shown, like high rise building, old house with history, edge water condition, and bridges that are one of big scene.
However I am want to find intimate condition for visitors too so there will be a calm in chaos.


marc said...

i am trying to understand all this.
you need to get serious help with your writing skills.
the critics of your book should not be wasting time correcting grammar, but rather reacting to content.

your aim is a nebulous...not clear.
from what i get,
you are looking to make a place to collect and recall memories.
where does one go to remember?
a cemetery..? a photo album?
i assume you would then curate with some disposition.
you say other's memories are trash.
a landfill?
what are you looking to fill with this 'trash'?
where is this void?
what is absent here?
i think you need a specific collection.
concrete memories= physical traces?
my mories-his stories?

can you really extract memories?
what can you do? (as an architect)
promote the proliferation of traces? trash?
you say memories are trash.
is this your metaphor?

in your image you say the tree is about to be cut...
i dont recall seeing this cut...
in the image the car is 'cut' by the tree...

in your intervention that you superimpose over the subway...are we looking out the window here?
just trying to understand this overlay...

so you want to be in dumbo...
is this the land (void?) that you are filling?

you are looking for intimate space...
dumbo has plenty of these especially on less active days...the tight interstitial spaces inbetween the factory bldgs...
sometimes you are alone for quite a long stretch...there are some nice tight moments near the foundation of the bridge...(you mention the bridge)
are you going to fill these spaces?
with traces?
you should look at rachael this...for real...

you need to make.
you can really build...i have seen it. what techniques are available to you that parallel your precedents..?

you say,
"unique texture of surface, smell, sounds, visuals, and others extracted memory before them."
you need to read the rilke quote that pallasmaa refers to about the section of the house that is a trace of the former inhabitants (infill)

in your crit the discussion of framing...
framing light...
how will this enter the dialogue?


KKIM said...

Yes, my programs will display individual’s memory in the museum.
•What are you looking to fill with this ‘trash’? Void? Absent?
When I refer personal memories as a trash I meant in level of values for other than myself, because how individuals weights their personal memory is liberty of them; so in metaphorical sense I want to fill in the gap between people’s sense of values to one another by breaking the rules of typical museum that we know as today. Traces and extracted memory will be placed in one upon another in many form of organization.
Landfill - The deposit of waste on or into land in a controlled way.
•Specific Collection, Concrete Memories= Physical traces?
Yes, I think I need to set up specific rules of what will be displayed for each given space for each different time.
Concrete Memories= Physical traces? Yes, at least in this museum. Since memory is a mental state of recalling and retaining if I want to convert this state into this museum there should be a physical trace of people so others can interact and appreciate in order to evolve the exhibition.
•Can you extract memories? What can you do? (as an architect)
Maybe not in mental sense but in physical sense, yes we can extract memories; of course that has to be a symbol of certain memory. As an architect I can dissect whole just to meet the conclusion that I have already meet (Kit of parts). Mankind has great habit of creating and killing; but kill is not only to destroy but to recreate, so if I want to use this term of extract memory I would be going back to simpler and origin idea of things.
•Junk Yard (graveyard for car parts) =Collection of Extracted Physical Memory=Into Amnesia =Reborn into different form, manmade landscape
The last scene of my film, the fallen leaf represent parts of cars in junk yard and whole tree represent being whole just like passing car, so in this image tree is cut by car that had just passed and the sound of electric saw.
Another scene, superimpose over the subway is intervention of how different people windows the site and landscape.

KKIM said...

I try to look up in the library under Pallasmaa but I could not fine the qoute, If you can recomend me with a book name that would be really helpful...(infill??)

"rilke quote that pallasmaa refers to about the section of the house that is a trace of the former inhabitants (infill)"

marc said...

i posted for you