Friday, November 09, 2007

shadow film - updated midterm kj


Anonymous said...

INTENTIONS - Other’s shadows are much more revealing about yourself than your own shadows would be about you. Thus, the observation becomes activity. Shadows as the other, the self-awareness, dealing with the swing between the collision of personal life/identity to this unstoppable larger force. The blinds that go up to reveal the light is a metaphoric play on the notion of control is up, more is up, important is up, happy is up and of course the blinds that go down to darken the walls are the opposite. Looped sounds of the announcements that happen in the scenes that partake in our control of, power over our unconsciousness but when we take the moment to look at each other's passing shadows, we begin to realize how "normal and calculable" we have become, so much that it is so difficult to stay away from our habits. - Attention passengers. Blinds (metering) - sounds (tone - metering). The individual and the larger state. The fragments and the whole.

marc said...

this film keeps getting better.
the development has been great.
thanks for stating your intentions clearly.

marc said...

a library of techniques made the most out of this exercise...

marc said...

how are you going to use the shadow to 'take something apart and put it back together'?
how will this 'measure values'?
you are being critical (of what within?) of an institution...a hospital...a school..?

you write well...keep explaining...reread some of your quotes...a few typos...

Anonymous said...

thanks marc. your comments always help me to take a step back and really look at what it is i am doing, saying, trying to do, and give great possibilities for the next step. in other words, i like your comments and always take them into consideration.

i can't answer those questions yet, but am certainly thinking about them.