Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Midterm notes--Joyce

What is the relationship to the city?
missing images from film
the city is always present in film
need to include city in architecture
site could be anywhere need to be more specific
it is not architecture yet
good ideas of reflection
need to be more incorporated into architecture
clear idea of circulation
why choose this site
the way you are presenting it, it could be anywhere else but not nyc
make more relationship of breakaway from city
use reflection to remind that city is still there

For next monday:
I think the main issues from that were brought up was that my plans were still not considered architecture and that I was not taking advantage of the location of the site.
I think I need to rework on my plans and see how they could come together more clearly as well as trying to incorporate the city in the reflections, maybe rotating some of the wall units.
I will try a few different options

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