Saturday, February 02, 2008

Notes from the review

Sketch Problem: A Synaesthetic Construction

Message from Mark and Dan

All of you should finish the models and drawings. Publish on the blog notes
from the review.
ALL of you should yet again focus on the synaesthetic qualities implied in your model. Write a short paragraph outlining that and publish on the blog.
On Monday we will discuss next steps in your projects.

These are some notes I took from the review.

Draw section and plan identifying existing conditions, new construction aand
Datums, that is a reference system indicating canal water level changes, and surface and rain water collection. Finish the model!

Research lighting technology systematically. Types of light (wide beam/narrow
Spot, diffuses etc. and develop a typology of light sourses and qualities of light)
See Dan’s notes on the blog re theater lighting aimed at Mat and Ahmed)

Develop a park planning strategy (a narrative ) of your program (market and sport viewing). Make a topographical site plan aand cut sections. Do that in words and site plan sketches as well as describe and vary the section and roof shape of your unit model as contingent on what happens front and back.

Energize the design by closely considering the bodily experience of picking food, smelling keeping them wet , cool and bright (lighting), (synaesthetic qualities)
Lex suggested Kapro “The blurring of Boundaries.

Dan (the guest criticJ “the different architectural qualities of the two spaces are not sufficiently articulated”, that is not complex and different enough. DEVELOP typology of sensorial and spatial qualities “they could be the same spase that changes at certain times.”

Develop a schematic plan and section for the front/back façade of the theater.
Develop a diagrammatic plan of an entry sequence into the theater through the
“back stage fly tower mechanism”. Research such a mechanism in theater literature. Conceptually consider the relationship between outside and inside,
the narrative of the play and the façade.

Test the model for actual sound transmission- Sound is air waves-
Dan the (visiting critic) “consider conceptually transmission of all
Wave phenomena –sound, light etc.”

Refocus on the sensorial qualities (synaestesia) of your architecture
particularly sound (in the wind catcher), water and temperature (hot, cool)
Develop the program and site landscaping strategy next.

Balance attention to the seniors use of the space. Develop narrative of how the two sides of the wall and return to an emphasis of shadow. Phogtograpg the model with that in mind.

Photograph and video the model to achieve reflections like your film. Scratch
the back wall.

Write a short and clear program story. Develop both the living space and the collection space. Develop systematic typology of ways of collecting types of objects- develop a list of kinds of objects.

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