Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I didn't get a packet!

Somehow, although it looked like there were 15 movie packets on the table, I did not get one...I don't know what happened, maybe someone took two packets, or maybe there are now 16 students, but in any event I need to know ASAP what happened so I can get started. Thanks.


marc said...

just copy somebody...pick a film...

Mike Toste said...

alright. thanks...just wanted to make sure that was alright.

marc said...

yes...get yourself a packet. packet in your pocket.

marc said...

did you get a packet yet?
where did the packets go?
why didnt mike get a packet?everyone should have a packet.

Mike Toste said...

I'm going to copy a packet...the Nostalgia one, I'll get it from Matt as soon as I can.

Mike Toste said...

I have Dan's packet though

marc said...

at least you have a packet now.
get some rest...take your packet.