Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Moving Forward,

In terms of the midterm review, I feel like I received a lot of great feedback on where to take the project. It appears that the project has a strong foundation to support the greater ideas and goals that I speak about but don't necessarily show. It's going to be my goal and focus for the rest of the semester to solidify the project and show through models and drawings that synaesthesia can be experienced. I want the drawings to convey the emotions and sensations within the various programs that I'm trying to promote.


marc said...

yes...but i think you need to make a simple proposition about the waters terms of clean/ grey / black well as still/ moving/ rushing water...
something like that...
be a plumber and a poet

bjones said...

From some of my earlier notes:

Paul Klee said light and dark were like baths of different temperature...

Kandinsky said that the eye goes over a color palette and is either warmed or cooled...

marc said...

thanks brian