Monday, March 26, 2007

From the Review...

I need to create a personal separation between myself and the project in order for the project to really expand. This is something that I seem to have difficulty with, being that the inception of the project came from something personal, something that I always thought my thesis project would be.
A good way to create this distance would be through discussion with our critiques and fellow classmates, who could see the project from a different perspective.

I need to start thinking more about the train and how my project connects literally and poetically to it.
One connection is that the train is used for the transportation of goods where as the study hall is used for the transportation of information. This is especially true for the Oral Torah as was discussed earlier.
A physical connection is also needs

If not now, then when? If anyone knows any books or internet resources where I can get easy to comprehend information on materials and how it reacts to sound please send it over my way…thanks


Bplust said...
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Bplust said...

sound works similarly to light in a lot of ways, so you can think about it performing as such so that you don't have to get too far into acoustics at this point in the semester. if you want to look at a reference, there are countless books written with architects more in mind than acoustical engineers... just grab anything that has "acoustics" and "architects" on the cover.