Tuesday, April 01, 2008

items for final

Items for final presentartion (required) M Th M Th M Th M Th F Sa
old film new film 31-Mar 3-Apr 7-Apr 10-Apr 14-Apr 17-Apr 21-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 26-Apr

A1. Brief Thesis Statement
A1.1. Program and Site

A2Brief film synaesthesia half min fall film half
min new sketch
A3. Breief word statement of
Synasthesia : arch+5 senses

B1. (Urban)General Site Plan scale TBA
B2. Arch'l Plans and Sections #+ Scale TBA
B3. Detail large model and drwgs
B4. Architectural Models

Note: All of the above to be
discussed with your studio critics

The "poetics" of your project
Synaesthisia/Arch'l Experience
C Journey through your project
FILM w/sound , renderings, sketches, etc.
Computer interior views
Written description of intendede arch'l experience

Final Review


Liz DeMello said...

ok, so we need two films? im kind of confused on what these film are. i know one should be an editted version of our film (mine would be the fort greene movie). I think that falls under C. What is the film from part A?

Dan Bucsescu said...

dear liz:

Sorry about the confusion. Both A and C films are the same. Only one very short film made up of parts of the films everyone made in the fall and "something" new based on your final design. We can talk about what that might be again when we all meeet.

It is very important that my list of items for the final does not appear to stress you. as I said most of this you should have already. you and all should focus right now on the architecture and the drawings, models etc. Items under C should be done later.

I hope that this helps clarify any confusion on this topic. I said I might be in the studio on W afternoon. Somthing came up and I will not be able to do that. I will be in tomorrow afterrnoon. In any case no one has emailed in responce.